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About Modstitch

Introducing Modstitch – the best cross-stitch kits on the market!

Founded by Candice in the depths of COVID, our business was born from the need for a creative outlet. And with our high-quality materials, professionally illustrated designs, and eco-friendly packaging, our cross-stitch kits are the perfect way to get creative at home..

Sustainability is a top priority for us, which is why we source our materials locally and carefully measure our threads and materials to minimize waste. And because each kit is hand-assembled by Candice in Melbourne, you can trust that you're getting a truly unique and high-quality product.

Never tried cross-stitch before? No problem! Our Wattle or Monstera kits are perfect for beginners – the simple color blocks make it easy to get started and have you stitching up a storm in no time.

Candice xxx